M+M: Ecology and Economy in full harmony

  • New photovoltaic system on headquarters roof
  • Annual solar power production rising to ~140 MWh
Wessling, October 11, 2021 – Mensch und Maschine Software SE (MUM - ISIN DE0006580806), a CAD/CAM specialist company, significantly augmented regenerative power production activities. In September, an approx. 1,500 square meter photovoltaic system was installed on the roof of M+M headquarters in Wessling. Altogether M+M group is now producing approx. 140 MWh solar power p.a. by using all suitable roof surfaces in corporate ownership for regenerative power production.
As early as 2011 the first plant with nearly 25 MWh annual output had been installed on the M+M Training Center in Wiesbaden. In the years 2019/20 new buildings were completed by group members SOFiSTiK in Nuremberg (with photovoltaic plus geothermal energy) and DATAflor in Goettingen (with photovoltaic plus cogeneration unit). 
As replacing coal-fired by solar electricity saves around one kilogram CO2 emissions per kWh (Source: strom-report.de), M+M thus is achieving approx. 140 metric tons of CO2 savings per year. Moreover, ecology and economy are in full harmony: The new power plant on the headquarters roof will have amortized after approx. 10 years.